Dr Leon Massage


$1.95 (GST inc)

Our innovative wristband was inspired by groundbreaking research conducted...

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Price:$19.95 $9.95 (GST inc)

This weight loss hypnosis audio, with guided relaxation, is medically...

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Price:$21.90 $9.95 (GST inc)

This bundle includes our innovative wristband and our weight loss hypnosis audio,...

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$159.95 (GST inc)

Get the complete Dr Leon Weight Loss Program, including all modules, and take...

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$19.95 (GST inc)

The Metabolic Boost phase is designed to kick-start your weight loss. It will...

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$19.95 (GST inc)
This module will debunk the myths and misconceptions about carbohydrates. You...
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$19.95 (GST inc)

This module will teach you the true relationship between glycemic index, weight,...

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$19.95 (GST inc)

In this module we will unravel the confusion about fats and weight. This is important...

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