Why is it that many people gain weight when they are under stress, whereas others lose weight? The answer lies in their chemical response to stress.
People respond to stress in vastly different ways. But it is not only the obvious external and visible response that is different, it is also the internal physiological response that differs.
Some people are
high cortisol responders. They react to stress by releasing larger amounts of the stress hormone - cortisol. Others, on the other hand, are low
cortisol responders, and release much less cortisol when they are stressed.
High levels of circulating cortisol have a significant impact on metabolism and on eating patterns. They cause people to eat more, and also to burn fewer calories. This, of course , causes them to gain weight.
- High cortisol responders – eat more
- High cortisol responders – burn less calories (reduced thermogenic response)
- High cortisol responders – gain weight more easily
To find out more about how stress impacts on your weight, and to discover what you can do about it, enter your name and email below to get instant access to Dr Leon's Stress and Weight video.